7 Insanely Costly Mistakes You Are Probably Making With Your Press Release

1 year ago 399


press release format are one of the most impactful marketing tools that small businesses have at their disposal. Yet, because they are used so often, small business owners sometimes forget that a well-written press release is a privilege and a luxury. Yet despite the importance of press releases, many business owners make critical mistakes that render their PR virtually useless. Do you know which mistakes you are making?

Press releases are the most impactful marketing tool that small businesses have at their disposal.

Press releases are the most impactful marketing tool that small businesses have at their disposal. In fact, they can be used to help your business grow in many ways.

  • Getting your name out there: A press release example is a great way to get your name out there and gain more exposure for yourself or your company. This will help you attract new customers who may not know about you otherwise.

  • Driving traffic: Press releases are also an extremely effective way of driving traffic to websites where readers can learn more about what services or products you offer.* Providing resources for those who need them: When writing a press release, always include contact information so people could reach out if they need more information about what it is that makes up this particular piece of content (e-mail address included). This gives potential clients another avenue through which they could connect with someone who has already done research on certain topics before contacting them directly via e-mail.* Promoting events/products/services which don't require much effort on behalf of both parties involved; these types often come up during times when budgets aren't exactly high enough yet!

But because they are used so often, small business owners sometimes forget that a well-written press release is a privilege and a luxury.

But because they are used so often, small business owners sometimes forget that a well-written press release is a privilege and a luxury. If you're going to use them, make sure you know what they are and what they can do for your business.

If you've ever written a press release template before, chances are good that one of the first things on your mind was "What exactly do I have to get out of this?"

The answer? A lot! A press release is more than just an announcement about yourself or some product launch—it's also an opportunity for journalists who might not normally write about your industry at all (or even if they do) to share their coverage with their readership by providing information about who else is out there in an industry like yours with similar interests as theirs themselves.

Yet, despite the importance of press releases, many business owners make critical mistakes that render their PR virtually useless.

Yet, despite the importance of press releases, many business owners make critical mistakes that render their PR virtually useless. Here are some common errors to avoid:

  • You write a news release example that is too long or wordy. This can be especially problematic if you're trying to fit it into a small space on your website or social media channels. Think about how much information could be conveyed in just one tweet!

  • You send out an email instead of sending out an actual printed copy. Sending emails is easy and fast—but does it really help? And what happens when people don't have access to email? Or maybe they do but hate everything about it (and you). If someone has no idea who your company is or what services/products/etc., then why would they want any info from them?

Do you know which mistakes you are making?

If your press release is for one of the people listed above, you are most likely making a mistake. You may be thinking, “But everyone needs to know about my company!” But if your customers aren't reading it, how will they learn about what's new and exciting at your company? And if they're not interested in hearing from you personally (and why would they be), then why should they care about whatever new thing happened recently at your organization?

The same goes for writing something just for yourself—especially if there's no reason other than pride or ego. The best way to make sure that nobody cares about what I have to say is by not writing anything at all!

Press Releases Must Be Written For The Media

Press releases must be written for the media, not your customers. They're not advertisements and they should have a very specific audience in mind: the journalists who cover the industry you're in.

The best media release template writing style is journalistic—it's clear, concise and easy to read. The most common mistake people make when writing their own PR materials is using too much jargon or technical terms that don't make sense to non-experts (or even experienced professionals). This can actually make it harder for journalists reading your release because they won't know what you mean by "automated code generation" or "statistical analysis." You want them to understand everything you write so that they can convey details accurately without having any questions about what was said or how something works under the hood!

Press Releases Are Not About Your Company, They Are About Your Business!

  • Your press release is not about your company. It’s about your business.

  • The difference between a company and a business is that a company has employees, while a business is run by one person or group of people who create products or services for customers. For example: Amazon is a huge corporation with over 100,000 employees; it also sells items on its website (the “products”).

Press Releases Must Not Be Too Long

The first rule of thumb is to keep your media release example short and sweet. The second rule is to not go over 500 words, as this will make it difficult for the reader to read all of it in one sitting. If you have more than 500 words, break them down into smaller chunks (for example: “Here are some facts about me”).

The third rule is that you should avoid using dense language or industry jargon; instead, use simpler terms so that everyone understands what you're saying! Also note that long sentences sound stilted when spoken out loud—and this applies even if they're grammatically correct! Lastly, try avoiding passive voice whenever possible (passive voice = saying "was" instead of "were").

Press Releases Must Have A Catchy Headline And A Compelling Quote From An Owner Or Exec.

A press release example for new product is a great opportunity to get your name out there, but it's also important that you don't make any mistakes. The first mistake many business owners make is not having a catchy headline and quote from an owner or executive.

The second mistake is not using the right tone in the quote. It should be short and to the point, not too long or drawn out—short enough for someone reading it at their desk to read through before pressing send on an email with their boss about how amazing your product is!

The third mistake is not including enough information about what makes your business stand apart from others in its category (or industry). This can be as simple as saying "we have five locations" instead of "we have four locations" because over time more people will learn about each location rather than just one specific location being highlighted over another throughout all marketing materials including websites etcetera."

Press Releases Must Read Like News Stories, Not Advertisements!

Press releases must be written in a journalistic style. The tone of your press release should be similar to that of news stories, with an objective approach and minimal self-promoting content. You are not writing an advertisement for yourself or your company; you're writing about something that happened recently, so make sure that it's newsworthy.

  • Avoid any information that is not already public - This means no private details about competitors' products or services (even if they're industry leaders), no personal opinions on current events and politics—and definitely no spoilers!

Always Include A Call To Action In Your Release!

Your press release should contain a call to action. This could be as simple as asking for their email address, but it should always be clear what you want them to do with the information you provide. For example, if you are writing about how your company is changing its approach towards customer service and making it easier for customers to get in touch with sales representatives, then make sure that the reader knows exactly how they can reach out—and not just by clicking on an ad or link in your article!

The key here is making sure that people know what they will get from reading your press release: If there is no way for them to get something out of reading it (like free tickets), then don't waste their time by sending them something that doesn’t offer anything of value in return.

Press releases can be daunting but they're one of the best ways to get your name out there as a small business owner.

The first thing to keep in mind is that press releases should be written in a journalistic style. This means using active verbs, avoiding passive voice and using the past tense when possible. Your press release should also be short, concise and to the point—it’s not meant for you or your company; it’s meant for the media!

As with any other marketing tactic, you need to include something that draws people into reading your story: a catchy headline (which will also make them click), an interesting quote from one of those involved with your organization (or even just someone who has been interviewed about their experience working at this particular business) and if possible some background information about what makes this person’s story so compelling - this can help convince readers why they should give more attention towards reading through all five paragraphs instead of skipping straight over them as most people do today when reading news articles online."


Press releases are a great way to get your name out there as a small business owner, but they're not always easy. You have to invest time and energy into creating something that will be effective for the media and readers alike. Make sure you take these seven mistakes into account when writing them so they don't become roadblocks!

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