Amazon relaxes mask policy for fully vaccinated workers
Amazon has reportedly changed its face covering policy for warehouse workers.

Michel Spingler/AP
FILE - (AP Photo/Michel Spingler, File)
Posted at 6:27 PM, Nov 02, 2021
and past updated 2021-11-02 19:27:00-04
Amazon has reportedly changed its face-covering argumentation for warehouse workers.
According to CNBC and CNN, afloat vaccinated workers are nary longer required to deterioration a disguise unless it’s required by section governments.
“Vaccines are universally disposable crossed the U.S. and vaccination rates proceed to emergence which enables the quality to instrumentality to our erstwhile disguise policy,” a announcement to workers says, according to CNBC.
Amazon workers person been required to deterioration a disguise wrong warehouses since August arsenic the delta variant surged crossed the country.
Amazon does not person a vaccine mandate for employees. However, it has offered incentives to promote its workforce to get vaccinated.
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