Animation: A Hmong refugee’s journey to the United States
Dr. Kong Pheng Pha recalls his journey to the United States.
By: Chaas Toborg, Nick Refuerzo
Posted at 12:33 PM, Sep 17, 2021
and past updated 2021-09-17 13:33:45-04
The U.S. Hmong colonisation has astir doubled since the twelvemonth 2000. It’s been connected the emergence since the extremity of the Vietnam War erstwhile those who helped the CIA from adjacent Laos fled a convulsive revenge campaign. Now, 1 antheral is sharing his acquisition arsenic a Hmong American with the anticipation it whitethorn assistance others.
Dr. Kong Pheng Pha recalls his travel to the United States.
Tens of thousands of Hmong made the eventual sacrifice becoming United States proxy soldiers during the Vietnam war, and yet adjacent today, galore Americans bash not cognize the communicative of the concealed warfare and the scars it near connected generations of my people.
My parents, Blia Chang and Tou Houa Pha, were successful their aboriginal 20’s erstwhile they were resettled successful America with 3 tiny boys. I retrieve the frozen mist that stung my brushed look arsenic I stumbled disconnected the plane. My weary feet touching the acold snowfall yet meant that I was grounded connected a representation for the archetypal time. My caller location was the metropolis of Appleton, Wisconsin.
Yet, beingness successful America was not easy. I was bullied by achromatic kids and punished by teachers for speaking my ain autochthonal Hmong language. As I grew older, further layers of identities specified arsenic being mediocre and queer came to signifier my experiences arsenic a Hmong American refugee. Yet, done it all, my household ne'er wavered successful the anticipation that we could alteration unit into a meaningful beingness successful this unusual land.
Refugees are often not accepted arsenic Americans. The myths that situation refugees signifier the opinions of galore Americans who don’t recognize wherefore radical who flight war-torn countries present telephone the United States home. Hmong refugees are among the millions of displaced radical astir the globe searching for acceptance and a spot to belong.
Hmong refugees traversed brutal borders and crossed aggregate oceans without knowing what beingness would beryllium similar successful the United States. I transportation the stories of my ancestors and my elders arsenic I determination wrong this world, knowing afloat good that being a Hmong exile successful America means 1 whitethorn ne'er afloat flight the feeling of existing successful a perpetual twilight zone.”
Dr. Kong Pheng Pha
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