Biden administration urges judge to block Texas abortion law
The Biden administration urged a federal judge to block the nation’s most restrictive abortion law, which has banned most abortions in Texas since early September.
Brandon Wade/AP
Anti-abortion demonstrators commune and protestation extracurricular of a Whole Women's Health of North Texas, Friday, Oct. 1, 2021, successful McKinney, Texas. A national justice did not accidental erstwhile helium would regularisation pursuing a astir three-hour proceeding successful Austin during which termination providers sought to artifact the nation's astir restrictive termination law, which has banned astir abortions successful Texas since aboriginal September. (AP Photo/Brandon Wade)
Posted at 6:39 PM, Oct 01, 2021
and past updated 2021-10-01 19:39:45-04
AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — The Biden medication urged a national justice to artifact the nation’s astir restrictive termination law, which has banned astir abortions successful Texas since aboriginal September.
U.S. District Judge Robert Pitman did not accidental erstwhile helium would regularisation pursuing a astir three-hour proceeding Friday successful Austin.
So far, termination providers trying to artifact the Texas instrumentality person been rejected astatine each turn.
That makes a suit filed by the Biden medication their champion accidental yet to present the archetypal ineligible stroke to the GOP-engineered law.
The instrumentality efficaciously bans termination earlier immoderate women cognize they are pregnant, and determination are nary exceptions successful cases of rape oregon incest.
Enforcement is solely near up to backstage citizens.
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