Biden's big bill on brink of House votes, but fights remain
On and off Capitol Hill, party leaders have declared it’s time for Congress to deliver on Biden’s agenda.

<b>AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)</b><br/><br/>
Posted at 3:41 AM, Nov 05, 2021
and past updated 2021-11-05 04:41:33-04
Democrats successful the House look connected the verge of advancing President Joe Biden’s $1.85 trillion-and-growing home argumentation package.
The House scrapped votes precocious Thursday but volition beryllium backmost astatine it aboriginal Friday.
House transition of the large measure would beryllium a important step, sending Biden’s ambitious effort to grow wellness care, kid attraction and different societal services to the Senate.
Delays moving the authorities are being blamed for the Democrats’ dismal showing successful this week’s elections.
On and disconnected Capitol Hill, enactment leaders person declared it’s clip for Congress to present connected Biden’s agenda.
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