Camber Energy stock tumbles again, has lost more than two-thirds of its value in four days

Shares of Camber Energy Inc. CEI, -23.86% tumbled different 21.6% successful progressive trading Wednesday morning, putting them connected way to shed much than two-thirds of their worth successful 4 days. Trading measurement was 128.5 cardinal shares little than an hr aft the open, making the banal the astir actively traded connected large U.S. exchanges. The lipid and earthy state company's banal had plunged 50.5% connected measurement of 845.0 cardinal shares connected Tuesday, and 59.9% implicit the past 3 sessions, aft rocketing 161.6% amid a six-day triumph streak that ended astatine a two-year closing precocious of $3.82 connected Sept. 30. The banal is present trading 68.5% beneath that two-year high. The stock's selloff connected Wednesday comes arsenic natural-gas futures NG00, -7.46% slumped 7.5%, aft closing Tuesday astatine a 13-year high, and crude lipid futures CL00, -2.14% shed 1.6% aft closing astatine an seven-year precocious connected Tuesday. Meanwhile, the S&P 500 SPX, -0.54% fell 0.5%.
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