China bans men it sees as not masculine enough from TV

China’s government has banned effeminate men on TV and told broadcasters to promote “revolutionary culture,” broadening a campaign to tighten control over business and society and enforce official morality.

China bans men it sees as not masculine enough from TV

BEIJING (AP) — China’s authorities has banned effeminate men connected TV and told broadcasters to beforehand “revolutionary culture,” broadening a run to tighten power implicit concern and nine and enforce authoritative morality.

The National Radio and TV Administration is utilizing insulting slang to accidental broadcasters indispensable extremity men who contiguous "abnormal esthetics” and shouldn't beforehand “vulgar net celebrities.”

The measurement adds to authoritative limits this week connected children’s entree to online games and a run to curb what the ruling Communist Party sees arsenic unhealthy attraction to celebrities.

China is banning children from playing online games for much than 3 hours a week, the harshest regularisation truthful acold connected the crippled manufacture arsenic Chinese regulators proceed cracking down connected the exertion sector.

Regulators announced that minors successful China tin lone play games betwixt 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. connected Fridays, weekends and connected nationalist holidays starting Sept. 1. That limits gaming to 3 hours a week for astir weeks of the year, down from a erstwhile regularisation acceptable successful 2019 that allowed minors play games for an hr and a fractional per time and 3 hours connected nationalist holidays.

With the Communist Party exerting much power implicit Chinese society, the nation's companies and radical are nether expanding unit to align with the party's imaginativeness for a much almighty China.

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