Hospitalized gay man says he was targeted

MIAMI BEACH, FLA. (WSVN) - The play got disconnected to convulsive commencement successful South Beach aft fists flew connected a engaged street, sending a antheral to the infirmary aft an onslaught that the unfortunate says happened due to the fact that of his intersexual orientation.
Speaking done a translator from his infirmary furniture connected Saturday, 26-year-old Luis Carlos Herrera said helium was beaten and astir knocked unconscious, each due to the fact that he’s gay.
“I person a cheekbone broken, each this due to the fact that of a homophobic attack,” helium said.
The unfortunate said helium and immoderate friends were leaving a day solemnisation adjacent Ninth Street and Collins connected Friday nighttime erstwhile helium brushed up against a antheral lasting successful a group.
Herrera said things became violent.
“They were homophobic, and I retrieve I told them to halt bothering maine and teasing me,” helium said. “Then a idiosyncratic came implicit to maine and kicked maine successful the face, and aft that, I don’t retrieve anything.”
Surveillance video showed the victims’ friends trying to help, but determination wasn’t overmuch they could do.
Herrera said helium was knocked to the crushed and repeatedly punched until the attacker conscionable walked away, leaving him with terrible injuries.
“My chemoreceptor is broken, and my look is fractured, and present I’m waiting to spot if they volition run connected me,” helium said.
Early Saturday morning, hours aft the attack, Miami Beach Police and Fire Rescue units responded to the country of a shooting adjacent 15th Street and Collins.
First responders arrived to find a pistillate who was changeable adjacent her stomach.
Police said the 24-year-old got into a combat with different woman, and astatine immoderate point, the fishy took a weapon retired of her purse and opened fire.
Paramedics transported the unfortunate to Ryder Trauma Center successful unchangeable condition.
Saturday afternoon, constabulary confirmed they person arrested the suspected shooter. She was identified arsenic 26-year-old Ladijah Hollingsworth.
As for Herrera, helium hopes the information footage video volition assistance drawback the antheral who has caused him truthful overmuch pain.
“I would similar justness and these guys arrested,” helium said. “They should not beryllium retired and about, due to the fact that they are a information to society, due to the fact that what happened to maine could hap to different person.”
Herrera said helium inactive has dizzy spells and does not cognize however overmuch longer helium volition person to stay successful the hospital.
If you person immoderate accusation connected Friday night’s onslaught oregon the subjects’ whereabouts, telephone Miami-Dade Crime Stoppers astatine 305-471-TIPS. Remember, you tin ever stay anonymous, and you whitethorn beryllium eligible for a reward of up to $5,000.
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