Industry on edge after cab driver fatally shot
MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- A cab driver, gunned down connected the job. Word of his decease is sending chills passim the taxi manufacture successful Milwaukee.
The execution of Imran Shahbaz happened much than a week ago.
Police person said precise small astir the lawsuit arsenic they enactment to find a killer.
Shahbaz came to the U.S. much than 10 years agone to find a amended life.
"He was the protagonist of his family, you know, helium supported his parents, helium supported his wife, kids, you know," said person and coworker Munuwar Zaman.
At Yellow Cab, the 2 became friends, but much similar brothers.
"He was my best, champion buddy," said Zaman. "Even though astir radical didn't pronounce his existent name, truthful we called him Julie, you know, his nickname."
On Saturday, Oct. 2, Shahbaz started his nighttime displacement extracurricular Amtrak astatine the intermodal, portion connected the telephone with a friend.
"The feline said helium wanted to spell to N. 18th Street. After that, his telephone disconnected and helium called three, 4 times aft that and helium ne'er picked up the phone," said Zaman.
Police recovered Shahbaz's assemblage successful an alley down 18th and Walnut.
Hours later, they discovered his cab connected occurrence astatine 60th and Silver Spring.
"The drivers, they don't privation to enactment the night," said Ali Mohammed, of Yellow Cab Milwaukee Co-op. "Yes, they are afraid."
Shahbaz worked for Ali Mohammed.
"I volition inquire each operator to beryllium careful, and I anticipation they volition find who did this and helium volition look justice," said Mohammed.
Shahbaz was successful the process of bringing his woman and 3 children to the U.S. from Pakistan, wherever friends accidental helium utilized to play hockey.
There is present a gofundme acceptable up to assistance his grieving family.
"They don't person immoderate insurance, covered beingness security oregon anything, truthful thing volition assistance his family," said Mohammed.
"We mislaid precise bully friend, precise bully buddy, inactive truly sad, cipher privation to spell to work," said Zaman.
Milwaukee constabulary accidental Shahbaz was changeable to death.
They're continuing to question leads successful the case.
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