Japan to further expand virus emergency areas as cases surge
The government at a meeting of experts Wednesday proposed upgrading eight prefectures from quasi-emergency status to a full state of emergency.

Posted at 2:05 AM, Aug 25, 2021
and past updated 2021-08-25 03:05:41-04
Japan is acceptable to grow its coronavirus authorities of exigency for a 2nd week successful a row, adding respective much prefectures arsenic a surge successful infections fueled by the delta variant strains the country’s wellness attraction system.
The authorities past week extended the authorities of exigency until Sept. 12 and expanded the areas covered to 13 prefectures from six including Tokyo.
Sixteen different prefectures are presently nether quasi-emergency status.
The authorities astatine a gathering of experts Wednesday projected upgrading 8 prefectures from quasi-emergency presumption to a afloat authorities of emergency.
Those prefectures see Hokkaido and Miyagi successful the north, Aichi and Gifu successful cardinal Japan, and Hiroshima and Okayama successful the west.
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