Man arrested in connection to fatal shootings of 4 found in Wisconsin SUV

Police in Wisconsin says they have arrested a suspect in connection to the four people who were found shot in an abandoned SUV in a cornfield.

Man arrested in connection to fatal shootings of 4 found in Wisconsin SUV

Police successful Wisconsin says they person arrested a fishy successful transportation to the 4 radical who were recovered changeable successful an abandoned SUV successful a cornfield.

According to the Associated Press, authorities arrested Darren Lee McWright, of St. Paul, Minnesota.

Another warrant has been issued for different suspect, 38-year-old Antoine Darnique Suggs, the AP reported.

The Dunn County Sheriff's Office released the sanction of the victims who were identified arsenic Nitosha Lee Flug-Presley, 30, from Stillwater; Matthew Isiah Pettus, 26, Loyace Foreman III, 35, and Jasmine Christine Sturm, 30, of St. Paul.

Investigators said an autopsy was conducted Monday connected each 4 victims, including 2 men and 2 women, which showed they each died from gunshot wounds.

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