Power to be restored to New Orleans by middle of next week

Power should be restored to almost all of New Orleans by the middle of next week, according to the utility company Entergy.

Power to be restored to New Orleans by middle of next week


Matt Slocum/AP

Downed powerfulness lines slump implicit a roadworthy successful the aftermath of Hurricane Ida, Friday, Sept. 3, 2021, successful Reserve, La. (AP Photo/Matt Slocum)

APTOPIX Tropical Storm

Posted at 3:49 PM, Sep 03, 2021

and past updated 2021-09-03 16:49:11-04

NEW ORLEANS (AP) — Power should beryllium restored to astir each of New Orleans by the mediate of adjacent week.

That's according to the inferior institution Entergy, which issued a connection Friday asking for patience successful the aftermath of Hurricane Ida.

Utility executives accidental much than 25,000 workers from 40 states are trying to hole 14,000 damaged poles, much than 2,200 breached transformers and much than 150 destroyed transmission structures.

Ida destroyed the city’s electrical grid and near much than 1 cardinal customers successful Louisiana without power.

Meanwhile, sheriff's deputies from extracurricular the metropolis warned radical returning successful Ida's aftermath to travel equipped similar survivalists due to the fact that of the deficiency of basal services.

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