Search : Columbia University

COVID Death Toll Tops 5 Million Worldwide

Johns Hopkins University data shows the worldwide death toll from COVID-19 surpassed 5 million, and 740,000 lives lost in the Unit...

Tapping into the growing business of alcohol-free 'spir...

Researchers at Columbia University say alcohol sales during the pandemic jumped about 20% from the prior year. Yet, there's also b...

There may only be 2 more child tax credit payments left

Why there may only be two more monthly child tax credit payments left

New flood risk rating system leads to new insurance rat...

Flooding can happen to anyone.

'Extreme Heat' Days Triple Since 1980s, and More Are Co...

By the researchers' estimates, 1.7 billion urban dwellers -- or almost one-fifth of the planet -- were exposed to a rising number ...

How will the UK’s Universal Credit cut affect the healt...

The scientific evidence is clear that poverty has wide-reaching harmful effects on children, but we’re only just beginning to unde...

A Pill to Treat COVID Could Be Just Months Away

At least three promising antiviral treatments for covid-19 are being tested in clinical trials, with results expected as soon as l...

Vaccine could help with opioid addiction

A new vaccine being tested could offer another solution to help opioid users with an addiction.

Vaccine Mandate Takes Effect for NY Health Care Workers

As the state’s new vaccine mandate took effect, an estimated 70,000 out of 450,000 health care workers remain unvaccinated and out...

Migraines and Other Diseases Dogs May Detect

Some owners say their dogs become very attentive during a migraine headache and can even anticipate their symptoms.

As Opioid Deaths Climb, Human Trials Begin for Vaccine

The effort comes as the CDC reported that opioid deaths hit another record in 2020.

Mistrust, Politics, and Vaccines: How We Got Here, How ...

Some Americans reveal that their COVID-19 vaccine reluctance stems from an already skeptical worldview, with mixed messaging only ...

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