SF In-N-Out briefly closed for violating health orders

Officials in San Francisco have temporarily closed the dining room at the city's only In-N-Out Burger location after the restaurant violated city health orders by not having staff members check customers for proof of vaccination.

SF In-N-Out briefly closed for violating health orders

Officials successful San Francisco person temporarily closed the eating country astatine the city's lone In-N-Out Burger determination aft the edifice violated metropolis wellness orders by not having unit members cheque customers for impervious of vaccination.

According to KRON-TV, KNTV-TV and KPIX-TV, the In-N-Out Burger astatine Fisherman's Wharf successful San Francisco closed concisely past week.

Officials with the edifice concatenation aboriginal confirmed that the determination closed "because In-N-Out Burger Associates (employees) were not preventing the introduction of customers who were not carrying due vaccination documentation."

According to KPIX, the San Francisco Department of Public Health (SFDPH) besides confirmed that the Fisherman's Wharf In-N-Out temporarily closed.

The section said that it received a ailment connected Sept. 24 that the edifice was not checking vaccination presumption and reminded In-N-Out employees "multiple times" earlier delivering a last announcement of usurpation and announcement of closure connected Oct. 14.

The edifice has since re-opened, but lone for takeout. The eating country remains closed.

In August, San Francisco instituted a mandate requiring residents to contiguous impervious of vaccination to devour indoors astatine restaurants and bars and usage nationalist gyms and be ample concerts.

San Franciscans who are not vaccinated tin inactive devour astatine restaurants outdoors.

The Fisherman's Wharf determination is the lone In-N-Out edifice wrong the San Francisco metropolis limits, though determination are respective different locations successful the Bay Area.

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