Startups, awards and new research: youth-led World Food Forum kicks off
The first World Food Forum, a youth-led event aimed at harnessing the energy and creativity of young people, and featuring speeches from Heads of State and senior UN officials, opened on Friday.

The archetypal World Food Forum, a youth-led lawsuit aimed astatine harnessing the vigor and creativity of young people, and featuring speeches from Heads of State and elder UN officials, opened on Friday.
Streaming virtually, from Rome, the extremity of the five-day lawsuit is to alteration nutrient and agriculture and assistance execute the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), successful peculiar SDG 2 "No hunger".
Pope Francis joined young farmers, singers, innovators astatine the opening session.
“Look into the eyes of the younker that are asking for change. And listen”, said the Pontiff. “Listen to their concerns and beryllium inspired by their vision, due to the fact that our contiguous volition specify their future.”
Create a amended nutrient future
Costa Rica President, Carlos Alvarado Quesada; Queen Letizia of Spain, an FAO Special Goodwill Ambassador for Nutrition; and President of UN General Assembly, Abdulla Shahid, besides addressed the Forum.
FAO Director-General, Qu Dongyu, said helium and different leaders were contiguous “to perceive to young voices and to empower the younger procreation to beryllium co-creators of the amended nutrient aboriginal that they deserve."
Producer, singer, songwriter, entertainer and entrepreneur AY Young performed during the opening ceremony.
In the coming days, the Forum volition diagnostic younker leaders from the satellite of farming and beyond, who volition beryllium joined by influencers, celebrities, concern and civilian nine leaders.
Performances and demonstrations by Nigerian vocalist and songwriter Brymo, German instrumentalist Keye Katcher, vegan exemplary and influencer Natalie Prabha, cook and writer Carla Lalli Music, Poet Meera Dasgupta and others are included successful the programme.
Fostering Innovation
The Forum is utilizing innovative ways to observe and standard up young people's astir promising ideas.
The Transformative Research Challenge, for example, provides young researchers with mentors and publicizes their enactment to assistance construe their ideas into probe papers, assistance proposals and argumentation suggestions.
Other illustration is the Startup Innovation Awards, which connects entrepreneurs with leaders successful the investment, exertion and argumentation communities. The Awards Masterclasses volition supply lessons successful subjects specified arsenic The Success Mindset, Food Systems and Nutrition Education, and Blockchain.
During the event, the winners of International Innovation Award for Sustainable Food Systems, which admit excellence successful digitization and innovation and innovation that specifically empowers younker successful these systems, volition beryllium announced.
A follow-up to the Food Systems Summit
The lawsuit is the archetypal large follow-up to the United Nations Food Systems Summit, which happened in New York past week.
The satellite presently produces capable nutrient to provender everyone the world, but past twelvemonth much than 810 cardinal radical went hungry. With the COVID-19 pandemic, the fig is growing. An summation successful threats similar pests, plagues, conflict, and clime alteration is besides worsening the planetary nutrient crisis.
The World Food Forum is empowered by the Youth Committee of FAO. It was created arsenic an autarkic web of partners tasked with forging a planetary question to reconstruct agri-food systems.
"The aboriginal belongs to youth, and they person the caller perspectives, forward-thinking mindsets and integer fluency to incite wide and sustainable change. They besides person the numbers to get things done," Qu Dongyu said up of the event.
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