Tulsa man seeks help cleaning up trash dumped in nearby yard

A Tulsa man is hoping to get part of his neighborhood cleaned up after he said people are dumping their trash in a yard near his house.

Tulsa man seeks help cleaning up trash dumped in nearby yard

TULSA, Okla. — A Tulsa antheral is hoping to get portion of his vicinity cleaned up aft helium said radical are dumping their trash successful a gait adjacent his house.

“It utilized to beryllium a bully country arsenic acold arsenic keeping the yards cleanable and mowed," said Brian Edwards.

Old mattresses, furnishings and a tyre are conscionable a fewer of the items connected the tract adjacent Edwards's location northbound of Tulsa. These aren’t the decorative tract ornaments helium wants to spot successful a neighbor’s yard.

He said the antheral who lived successful this location passed distant earlier this year, and ever since then, radical person been dumping their trash successful the yard.

“You alternate your way due to the fact that you don’t privation to spot that," Edwards said. "And it’s bittersweet that radical don’t person much respect for different people’s spot and neighborhoods. You privation to support it cleanable and nice.”

Not lone is it not pleasant to look at, but Edwards is acrophobic astir caller tenants that could telephone the trash home.

“I judge it tin bring rodents and things that would beryllium drawn to thing similar this due to the fact that there’s nary telling what is successful the debris they person placed here," Edwards said. "And truthful we look astatine it arsenic a information and wellness hazard.”

Edwards reached retired to the Tulsa Health Department successful aboriginal June but said it took a portion to talk with someone. When helium did, helium was told it would instrumentality adjacent longer for the heap to beryllium picked up.

“That section relayed that they would travel retired but it would astir apt beryllium 2 oregon 3 weeks to conscionable look astatine it," Edwards said. "And that it could instrumentality respective weeks longer to really region this property.”

2 News Oklahoma Problem Solvers besides reached retired to THD astir the issue. Since then, THD has surveyed the property. It said determination are a bid of lengthy steps it has to spell done earlier the trash tin beryllium removed. It’s present retired to bid to contractors to spot however overmuch it volition outgo to cleanable up.

“But that process is besides a mates of weeks, unfortunately," said Adam Austin, part main for THD Environmental Public Health. "And past 1 of the issues that we’re moving into is contractors are besides backed up. So everything, unfortunately, close present is conscionable taking a small spot longer.”

Austin said it's hard to cognize erstwhile the trash and gait volition beryllium cleaned up owed to the backup for contractors, but it volition hopefully beryllium done successful the adjacent fewer weeks.

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