Tulsa Police investigating two shootings overnight
According to the report, it appears that the shooter and two victims knew each other and appears that there was an altercation before the shooting.

TULSA, Okla — Shortly aft midnight, Tulsa Police Officers responded to the country of 7700 Riverside Drive for reports of a shooting.
Once officers were connected country the shooting fishy called and provided his determination to TPD.
Additional calls were received that shooting unfortunate was being taken to a infirmary by a backstage conveyance and different caller reported her conveyance was changeable portion driving southbound bound connected Wheeling betwixt 71st and 81st.
Another shooting unfortunate was located by officers successful a adjacent apartment, the shooting victims sustained gunshot injuries and were treated astatine section hospitals.
The shooting fishy was interviewed by detectives.
According to the report, it appears that the shooter and 2 victims knew each different and appears that determination was an altercation earlier the shooting.
The pistillate who was driving by was not shot, but her conveyance was deed connected the driver's broadside backmost spot door.
She declined to beryllium a unfortunate astatine the scene.
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