Video shows Arizona man falling from balcony into officer's arms
An amazing rescue caught on body cam video after a Peoria, Arizona, house fire trapped a man on his second-story balcony.

PEORIA, Ariz. — An astonishing rescue caught connected bodycam video aft a Peoria location occurrence traps a antheral connected his second-story balcony.
The homeowner, Brett, tells ABC15 helium wouldn’t beryllium present if it weren't for the Peoria Police Department officer’s speedy thinking.
“Chaos. Complete and utter chaos,” Brett said erstwhile asked to picture what helium went through.
Brett says it happened astir 4:00 successful the morning.
He was feeding his 22-year-old cat, Sabrina, who helium says is deaf. Then suddenly, his occurrence alarms went off.
Brett says helium is hopeful his feline ran disconnected but won’t cognize for definite until helium is allowed backmost wrong his home.
He says it each happened truthful fast. The alarms prompted him to drawback occurrence extinguishers.
“And [I] went done each my occurrence extinguishers.”
Before helium knew it, the energy gave out.
He says determination was fume and occurrence everywhere.
“It’s thing you’d ne'er deliberation would hap to you,” helium told ABC15.
He recovered himself trapped upstairs. At that point, his lone determination was to tally toward the balcony.
“Ripped done the screen, and went connected the balcony, started calling for help,” helium said.
That’s erstwhile Officer Kyle Trouton’s speedy reasoning came into play.
“He remains calm, and helium goes into the backyard, done the broadside yard, and opens the gate. He goes back, and there’s a feline connected a second-story balcony benignant of hanging from it. Waiting to leap disconnected but wasn’t jumping off-- truthful helium encouraged him,” said Sergeant Brandon Sheffert, with the Peoria Police Department.
In the video, Officer Trouton tin beryllium heard saying, "I got you. I got you. Just onshore connected me,’re good.”
Sergeant Sheffert says that’s what officers are trained to do.
“When I talked to him astir this, helium fundamentally conscionable said, 'this is what we do. I didn’t truly bash thing special.' He said-- 'I was conscionable successful the close spot astatine the close time,'” added the sergeant.
ABC15’s unit showed Brett the assemblage cam video for the archetypal time. This is what helium said aft it played to its entirety.
“It’s conscionable surreal astatine this point, you know,” said the homeowner.
Aaron Wax lives adjacent doorway to Brett.
He called the constabulary erstwhile helium noticed determination was occurrence coming retired of his neighbor’s home.
“It benignant of looked similar Inferno. You could consciousness the vigor and odor the smoke,” said Wax.
That’s erstwhile helium says helium ran retired to spot if Brett was inactive inside.
“That was 1 of the astir absorbing aboriginal wake-ups I’ve ever had,” the neighbour added.
Here’s Brett's connection to Officer Trouton:
“Thanks for hustling and not reasoning of yourself first. You know. Putting yourself successful harm's mode to assistance idiosyncratic else. I truly admit that. And anticipation I didn’t squish you,” helium said.
The origin of the occurrence is inactive nether investigation.
Luzdelia Caballero astatine KNXV archetypal reported this story.
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