Zac Brown Band cancels concerts due to COVID-19
The Zac Brown Band's "The Comeback Tour" has been put on pause.

Sanford Myers/AP
Zac Brown Band arrives astatine the CMT Music Awards connected Wednesday, June 5, 2019, astatine the Bridgestone Arena successful Nashville, Tenn. (AP Photo/Sanford Myers)
Posted at 3:55 PM, Sep 29, 2021
and past updated 2021-09-29 16:55:16-04
Zac Brown announced helium tested affirmative for COVID-19.
The affirmative trial volition effect successful the Zac Brown Band pausing its "The Comeback Tour."
"I americium profoundly disappointed this has happened, arsenic touring is our beingness and performing unrecorded for our fans is the champion portion of our job," Brown said successful a statement.
Brown said helium had taken "precautions" to forestall a COVID-19 infection, but helium did not accidental whether helium is vaccinated.
The set canceled 4 shows, 2 successful New York, 1 successful Michigan, and 1 successful Pennsylvania. Refunds are being issued.
The set plans to resume the circuit aft Brown completes quarantine, and "it is harmless for our set members and unit to bash so."
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