18-year-old accused of high school shooting released on bond
The student who is accused of injuring four people during a shooting at a high school in Arlington, Texas was released on bail Thursday

The pupil who is accused of injuring 4 radical during a shooting astatine a precocious schoolhouse successful Arlington, Texas was released connected bail Thursday.
Timberview High School pupil Timothy George Simpkins was released from jailhouse aft coming up with a $75,000 bond, NBCDFW reported.
The NBC affiliate says 2 people, a 15-year-old and a 25-year-old teacher, stay successful the hospital.
Police said Wednesday's shooting happened aft a combat broke out.
Simpkins’ household apologized to those who were hut, adding that the 18-year-old was being bullied.
"There is nary justification of anybody who's been hurt. We person to instrumentality a look astatine the information that bullying is real, and it takes america all. And I bash apologize. We asked arsenic a household for forgiveness of immoderate benignant of hurt. It was ne'er volition for it to spell connected similar this,” said Carrol Harrison, spokesperson for the Simpkins family.
Harrison claims determination is video showing that Simpkins was being attacked.
“It wasn't conscionable 1 idiosyncratic that would onslaught him and bully him, taking his money, harassing him, owed to the information due to the fact that helium had much things than possibly others. It takes america all,” she said. “It takes america each to basal unneurotic astir this bullying. It could person been a concern wherever helium took the different crook and decided to perpetrate suicide. What, the determination that helium made taking the gun... we're not justifying that that was not right, but helium was trying to support himself."
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