COVID vaccine mandate takes effect for NYC teachers, staff
A similar mandate is set to go into effect in Los Angeles on Oct. 15.

AP Photo/Mary Altaffer, File
Posted at 4:00 AM, Oct 04, 2021
and past updated 2021-10-04 05:00:19-04
Teachers and different schoolhouse unit members are expected to beryllium vaccinated against COVID-19 erstwhile the doorbell rings Monday greeting for New York City’s sprawling schoolhouse system.
Mayor Bill de Blasio has warned that unvaccinated schoolhouse staffers volition not beryllium allowed to enactment Monday.
De Blasio said 90% of Department of Education employees had received astatine slightest 1 vaccine dose, including 93% of teachers, arsenic of Friday.
New York City’s schoolhouse territory is 1 of the archetypal successful the federation to necessitate each schoolhouse employees to beryllium inoculated against the coronavirus.
A akin mandate is acceptable to spell into effect successful Los Angeles connected Oct. 15.
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