New Asian American bakeries find bicultural sweet spot

From ube cakes to mochi muffins, bakeries that sweetly encapsulate what it is to grow up Asian and American have been popping up more in recent years.

New Asian American bakeries find bicultural sweet spot


Eric Risberg/AP

A enactment of assorted mochi muffins look astatine the Third Culture Bakery successful Berkeley, Calif., Thursday, Aug. 19, 2021. From ube cakes to mochi muffins, bakeries that sweetly encapsulate what it is to turn up Asian and American person been popping up much successful caller years. Their confections are a delectable conveyance for young and intrepid Asian Americans to observe their dual identity. (AP Photo/Eric Risberg)

Asian American Bakeries

Posted at 5:45 PM, Aug 25, 2021

and past updated 2021-08-25 18:45:18-04

OAKLAND, Calif. (AP) — From ube cakes to mochi muffins, bakeries that sweetly encapsulate what it is to turn up Asian and American person been popping up much successful caller years.

Their confections are a delectable conveyance for young and intrepid Asian Americans to observe their dual identity.

Ingredients they recovered embarrassing arsenic children are being combined with European oregon accepted American pastries into thing new.

Treats similar dim sum cookies and mochi muffins aren't going to beryllium recovered successful immoderate bakery successful Asia.

One of their signature items is the mochi muffin, which was influenced by Sam Butarbutar’s Indonesian roots and ingredients see California-grown mochiko atom flour, the Associated Press reported.

Some of the bakers spot their stores arsenic a mode to dispel culinary and societal misconceptions — particularly successful a clip of rising ant-Asian hatred crimes.

According to the AP, they person 2 locations successful Colorado and person plans to grow to San Francisco.

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