Student helping others understand epilepsy
According to the Epilepsy Foundation, Epilepsy is a "seizure-causing brain disorder" that affects 1 in 26 people in the United States.

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (KOAA)-- Epilepsy affects 1 successful 26 radical successful the United States, according to the Epilepsy Foundation.
"The information that your neighbour could person it and you person nary clue? I deliberation it's our clip to commencement talking astir it truthful radical don't consciousness truthful alone," said Marissa Cardenas, a elder astatine the University of Colorado Colorado Springs.
She was diagnosed with epilepsy erstwhile she was 10 years old.
Cardenas says not galore radical recognize the benignant of isolation and fearfulness she erstwhile felt erstwhile trying to explicate her upset to her peers.
"It's this load due to the fact that you request to archer radical for your ain information but you don't cognize however radical volition respond either," she said.
It wasn't until she recovered the Epilepsy Foundation of Colorado and Wyoming that she felt understood, and led her to go an advocator for raising awareness.
"That's astir apt the happening that changed my beingness the most. It made maine interruption retired of my shell," she said.
Cardenas attended their camps wherever she would conscionable different kids similar her.
Eleven years later, Cardenas leads the camps and has the accidental to assistance kids who are warring the aforesaid conflict she erstwhile did.
"You whitethorn person to instrumentality it otherwise than however everyone other takes it, but successful the agelong tally you tin bash thing you volition conscionable person to change it to your lifestyle," said Cardenas.
This communicative was archetypal reported by Erin Chapman connected
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